My current solo exhibition is based on James Joyce’s novel Ulysses. Using
the book and its creative method as inspiration, I transferred the method
characteristic of Joyce’s text, the structure composed of free association of
images, from literature to the language of visual art within the framework of this
crossover (literature-fine arts) exhibition.
In addition to paintings, the exhibition also includes an installation and a poem.
Each exhibited work is accompanied by a quote from the book that induced the
creation of the given work of art. This is sometimes a word, a fragment of a
sentence, sometimes a whole paragraph. There are times when the visual work
is connected to the relevant lines of the novel like an illustration, there are times
when the connection is distant, indirect, invisible or just guessable.
The exhibition was created based on the reading of the following two editions
of the novel
James Joyce, Ulysses, Európa Publishing House, Budapest, 1998
Translated by Miklós Szentkuthy
James Joyce Ulysses – The Restored Text, Riverrun Editions, London, 2021
The exhibition was opened by His Excellency Mr. Ronan Gargan, Ireland’s Ambassador to Hungary and István Sinkó, visual artist, critic, chairman of the Society of Hungarian Painters.
The exhibiton is on display until 31 July 2023 in Ady25 Gallery (address: Budapest, Ady Endre u. 25, 1022).
Photos: Zoltán Téglás – Budai Polgár